SUNY New Paltz | Student Accounts (2025)

Deadlines and Late Fees

TUITION: Tuition is charged for all credit bearing courses. The rate of tuition is based upon the number of registered credits a student has, the student type (undergraduate or graduate), and his/her residency status.

Each student is billed only for those courses for which they have actually registered at the time the bill is created. If a student is on a wait-list for a course, these credits are not included in their credit total and they will not be billed for them at this time. It is the student's responsibility to follow up with the appropriate new payment when his/her registration becomes finalized and wait-listed classes are actual registered classes.

An updated semester bill will be available onthe student'smy.newpaltz.eduaccount. Charges for courses added after the beginning of the semester are due immediately upon registration. To avoid late penalties, students must log on to their individual account to confirm and accept their financial responsibility for the semester bill and to make any necessary payments or payment arrangements.

Required Fees

The SUNY Board of Trustees has authorized each state-operated campus to charge the following mandated fees to all students for the continuing operation of the below noted programs:

College Fee:a mandatory fee for the support of student administrative services

TheStudent Services Feeis a combination of the following four mandatory fees:

Technology Fee

Estimated annual revenue $3.3 Million. Services provided:

  • 170 Smart classrooms
  • 100 iPads, 100 laptops, 1,000 PC’s, 265 iMacs, 90 printers
  • Software packages: SPSS, MS Office, Adobe, BloomBerg, Mathematica, Maple, ArcGIS, MatLab, MiniTab, Rhino, TerrSet, Turntin etc.
  • Services:, Blackboard, Collaborate, Ensemble, HawkSites, HawkMail,, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), etc.
  • Network: Internet, wireless in academic buildings (internet in residence halls is funded through a separate source)
  • Library resources: laptop loaners, printing, informational databases, 150 computers and 8 collaboration spaces

Health Services Fee

Estimated Annual Revenue = $1.9 Million. Services provided:

  • The Student Health Service is your doctor’s office on campus, fully staffed with health care providers including doctors, nurses and physician’s assistants
  • Partial funding of the Psychological Counseling Center
  • Promoting wellness by delivering presentations to students on relaxation, sleep, diet/nutrition, exercise and stress reduction
  • Medical supplies for the Health Center

Athletic Fee

Estimated annual revenue $2.9 Million. Services Provided:

  • 17 intercollegiate athletic teams: 350 student athletes.
  • Intramural activities: 400 teams and 1300 participants annually.
  • Outdoor pursuit trips: 725 participants annually.
  • Dozens of group classes per week (yoga, Pilates, spin, etc.).
  • Provide facility space to 17 competitive club sports teams, three semi-competitive club sports teams and nine recreational/instructional clubs.
  • Access to the Athletic and Wellness Center and swimming pool for general health and conditioning activities
  • Access to intramural courts for basketball, tennis, etc.


Activity Fee

  • The Activity Fee defrays the cost to run the Psychological Services Center, campus childcare services, the Loop Bus, which provides transportation on and around campus, as well as funds the Student Association’s legal consultation available to all students for any legal issues a student may face. The Student Health Center isopen for students who are on campus, and has Telehealth services available for students who study remotely.


Other Fees

Gift to the Fund for New Paltz(optional): Join thenearly 8,000 students, parents, friends, and alumniwho, with their generous gifts, helpcreate the New Paltz experience. By donating $20.00 tothe Fund for New Paltz, you will help support e programs that enrich the experience of each student and our entire community, including events and lectures on campus, membership in the Orange & Blue Network, and other opportunities provided by the SUNY New Paltz Foundation and the Office of Development & Alumni Relations.

The gift allows for free admissions to the Distinguished Speakers Series, Women’s Leadership Summit, President Roundtable events, Finals Fuel (snacks during finals week), 100 Days to Commencement, networking events, as well as many other opportunities for students.

TheOrange & Blue Networkallows SUNY New Platz students, alumni and supporters to connect in a professional networking environment and to provide mentorship, internships, and connections to infinity groups.

Please visit theSUNY New Paltz Foundation websitefor more information on how the Foundation enhances the teaching, learning and discovery that takes place on campus, through scholarships, internships, research, and programs. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Development & Alumni Relations at (845) 257-3240.

CourseFees:Certain courses have been approved to charge laboratory or materialfees. Check the course catalogue for more information.

Housing Charge:This is billed to all students living on campus.

Meal Plan: All students living on campus are required to have a meal plan. Please refer to theFood Services websiteregarding the various meal plans available.

Health Insurance: Please refer toHealth Insurance - Domestic Student Plan | SUNY New Paltz

Overseas Program Health Insurance: SUNY System policy requires that any student enrolled in a SUNY Study Abroad program must have this insurance coverage. Students who believe that they have comparable coverage may apply for a waiver through theCenter for International Programs. Waivers must be submitted no later than the second week of the current semester.

Late Registration: A student may register for the first time with the written permission of the instructor and department chair (seeAcademic Calendarfor specific dates). The fee is $40.00.

Course Change:Adding \ dropping courses after the second week of classes will result in a Course Change Fee. (seeAcademic Calendarfor specific dates). The fee is $20.00.

Administrative Fee \ Late Penalties: Penalties may be assessed on a student's account when payment or payment arrangements have not been made with the Office of Student Accounts by the stated due date on the semester bill.

Returned Check Fee: Checks that are returned by a student's bank will incur a $20.00 fee.

**PLEASE NOTE: All charges and fees are subject to change without prior notice.

SUNY New Paltz | Student Accounts (2025)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.