Entergy Power Outage Map Arkansas (2025)

1. View power outages | Entergy | We power life.

  • Select a location to view an outage map for your area and get an estimated time of restoration for your service.

  • Get information about power outages in your area and resources to help you stay informed and safe until power is restored.

2. OutageMap - myEntergy

  • Report an outage, lighting problem or other issues with your Entergy service. ... Please select your utility to view your location on the Outage Map. * Utility.

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3. How to use our View Outage map | Entergy Storm Center

  • To view our map, you can visit visit our website and select your location to view outages in your area or download the Entergy mobile app.

  • Our View Outage map provides outage and restoration information to customers. To view our map, you can visit visit our website and select your location to view outages in your area or download the Entergy mobile app. When a major storm is not impacting our service area, use the information below to navigate our map.

4. ReportOutage - myEntergy

  • View Outage Map. View an outage map for your service area and get an estimated time of restoration. View Outage Map.

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5. Arkansas Power Outages Map - PowerOutage.us

Arkansas Power Outages Map - PowerOutage.us

6. Entergy Power Outages

  • Coverage Map · Louisiana. Parish, Customers Tracked, Customers Out. Acadia, 6,637 ... Arkansas. County, Customers Tracked, Customers Out. Arkansas, 10,562, 0.

  • PowerOutage.us tracks, records, and aggregates power outages across the United States.

Entergy Power Outages

7. Common causes of power outages | Entergy

  • If you do experience an outage, you can report it by texting OUT to 36778, reporting it via the free Entergy app, or calling 1-800-9OUTAGE. You can keep up with ...

8. Arkansas residential customers | Entergy Arkansas | We power life.

  • Residential security deposits · Residential energy price

  • Log inSign up

9. Entergy Arkansas | Little Rock AR - Facebook

  • Customer service: http://www.entergyarkansas. com/Contact_Us/ or 800-ENTERGY. Outages: http: //enter.gy/ARKout or 1-800-9OUTAGE or text OUT to 36778.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

10. Stay informed during the storm | Entergy Storm Center

  • Keeping you informed is important to us. Our online Storm Center, View Outage map, social media feeds and free Entergy app are just a few clicks away.

11. Bird strike knocks out power to 5600 Entergy customers in Faulkner County

  • May 23, 2024 · ... outages were unrelated to the thunderstorms that swept through central Arkansas ... According to Entergy's online outage map, the outages -- which ...

  • May 23, 2024 at 1:44 p.m.

Bird strike knocks out power to 5600 Entergy customers in Faulkner County

12. Entergy and TNMP customers are facing long delays in power ...

  • Jul 11, 2024 · So there's a little bit of a lag in getting the accurate numbers onto our outage map," Yingling said. "In addition, our phone lines are down at ...

  • Thousands of Entergy and Texas-New Mexico Power customers have been without electricity for four days since Hurricane Beryl made landfall on Monday.

Entergy and TNMP customers are facing long delays in power ...

13. Entergy | Mindgrub Technologies

  • Outages. Report an outage, view outage status, access the Storm Center for the latest outage event information, and interact with the outage map.

  • Mindgrub designed, developed and delivered a native iOS and Android application for Entergy. Enhance your customer experience with our mobile app services.

Entergy | Mindgrub Technologies

14. Entergy restores power outages - KAIT

  • Jun 16, 2024 · POCAHONTAS, Ark. ( ...

  • Power is restored after residents reported a widespread power outage on Sunday morning.

Entergy restores power outages - KAIT

15. Entergy Arkansas says numerous poles and lines down - MySaline

  • Feb 24, 2022 · Customers are advised to keep their distance, as downed lines could still be energized and deadly. The power outage map above is a screenshot ...

  • Freezing rain and ice accumulations on trees and power lines like that on Arkansas Highway 5 near Mountain View are causing widespread outages across Entergy Arkansas service areas. Entergy Arkansas crews and contractors numbering some 1,600 were working to restore power to more than 27,000 customers across the state Thursday morning, due to outages caused

Entergy Arkansas says numerous poles and lines down - MySaline

16. Outages Maps | Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas

  • 6 member-consumers without power. First Electric Cooperative Corporation: 6. Sebastian County (AR): 1 member-consumers without power. Arkansas Valley Electric ...

17. Dozens of Entergy customers lose power in downtown Little Rock area

  • Jan 21, 2024 · ... power on Sunday night, according to Entergy's online outage map ... Entergy Arkansas' outage map for downtown Little Rock shows the ...

  • Three power outages in downtown Little Rock left 88 customers without power on Sunday night, according to Entergy's online outage map.

Dozens of Entergy customers lose power in downtown Little Rock area

18. Entergy System Hurricane Beryl July 12 11 a.m. Power Restoration Update

  • Jul 12, 2024 · ... Outage map. Photo Credit: Entergy; Crews make repairs to power lines in Montgomery County, Texas after Hurricane Beryl. Our power restoration ...

  • Entergy shared the following update on power restoration after Hurricane Beryl on Friday, July 12 at 11 a.m.: Our workforce has restored 73% of Entergy

Entergy System Hurricane Beryl July 12 11 a.m. Power Restoration Update

19. Entergy | We power life.

  • Entergy is an integrated energy company that provides electricity to 3 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.

  • Entergy is an integrated energy company that provides electricity to 3 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We power life.

Entergy | We power life.
Entergy Power Outage Map Arkansas (2025)


How do I check if there's a power outage in my area? ›

Alternatively, you can also call their customer service number at 1-800-DIAL DWP (800-342-5397) to find out if there is an existing power outage in your area.

How long do most power outages last? ›

Outages typically last 1-2 hours.

What is the phone number for Entergy Baton Rouge outage? ›

Call 911 and 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749).

How long can a fridge go without power? ›

As the USDA notes in Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency, your refrigerator will keep food safe for up to 4 hours during a power outage. Keep the door closed as much as possible. Discard refrigerated perishable food such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers after 4 hours without power.

How do I find out if there is a power cut in my area? ›

Is there a power cut in my local area?
  1. Call 105 free from your mobile or landline to get straight through to your local network operator's emergency number.
  2. Go to your local network operator's website to report or track the power cut.

Can I shower during a power outage? ›

Most plumbing does not require electricity so thankfully your toilet will still work! The downside to a power outage is that if you have to shower, keep it short! The water heater only holds so much hot water and some citywide systems use electricity to pump sewage to facilities so it could get backed up quickly.

How can I sleep without electricity? ›

Sleep Comfortably Without Electricity
  1. Avoid hot, heavy meals at dinnertime. ...
  2. Make sure your bed clothes are made up of cool, lightweight and breathable fabrics. ...
  3. Take a tepid (not hot) bath or shower before bedtime.
Sep 9, 2019

What state loses power the most? ›

The U.S. States with the Most and Least Power Outages

With the most annual power outages, Maine is surely left in the dark. The Pine Tree State tops the list with an average of 4.35 power outages every year, a stark increase above the national average of 1.62 per year.

Should I unplug my refrigerator during a power outage? ›

Televisions, computer equipment, game consoles, fans, lights and all other smaller appliances should be unplugged, especially if they were in use when the power went out. Larger appliances, such as refrigerators, should not be unplugged.

How can I survive without power? ›

Basic Survival Tips if Your Power Goes Out
  1. Use a flashlight for emergency lighting instead of candles.
  2. Turn off electrical appliances you were using when the power went out.
  3. Avoid opening the refrigerator and freezer so they will stay cold.
  4. Listen to your battery-powered radio for updated information.

How long does it take for the power to go back up? ›

Most power outages can be restored within hours, but those caused by storms or violent winds that damage electrical lines and equipment can linger for days or even weeks.

Who is over Entergy in Arkansas? ›

Laura R. Landreaux

Landreaux is president and chief executive officer of Entergy Arkansas – a company that has helped power life in Arkansas for over 107 years.

Who owns Entergy? ›

Entergy (ETR) Ownership Overview

The ownership structure of Entergy (ETR) stock is a mix of institutional, retail and individual investors. Approximately 81.89% of the company's stock is owned by Institutional Investors, 0.92% is owned by Insiders and 17.19% is owned by Public Companies and Individual Investors.

Is Entergy 24 hour customer service in Arkansas? ›

Representatives are available Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., excluding holidays.

How do you check if the power is off? ›

Use a receptacle voltage tester by plugging the device into the outlet. The lights on the device will come on to indicate the presence of a live electrical current. Test an electrical outlet with a non-contact voltage tester by holding the tester about an inch away from the short slot on the outlet.

How do you say there is no electricity in my area? ›

Here are the ways to say - when there is no power: The power is out. There is a power cut. The power went off.

How do I check my power supply in area? ›

To effectively check your power supply, you will need a few essential tools. The primary tool is a multimeter, which measures voltage, current, and resistance. A digital multimeter is preferred for its accuracy and ease of use.

How do I check the status of my power outage in Texas? ›

You can report a power outage or check the status of a previously reported power outage via our online reporting tool. You can also call us at 888.313. 4747. If you have signed up for My Oncor Alerts, text OUT to 66267 (ONCOR).

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 6474

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.