Editorials - Powell Tribune (2025)

Gather together this Christmas

Hopefully by the time you read this you’ve had some eggnog or at least Christmas cookies, are preparing for a Christmas Eve service or to read “The Night Before Christmas” to the …more

By Zac Taylor|12/24/24

Wells a great watch at NFR

Two summers ago at the Cody Stampede I had a nice chat with a roughstock rider from Powell who had just been bucked off his saddle bronc horse less than a second before hitting the timer. …more

By Zac Taylor|12/17/24

This season, support local businesses

If you’ve attended the Vespers Concert, the ChristmasFest events last weekend or are planning to attend a school concert or the Nutcracker in the next week or so, then you’ve surely already felt …more

By Zac Taylor|12/10/24

Transparency always a good thing

For a journalist, the word transparency, especially when connected to government institutions, is one of the best words to hear. We need transparency in government to be able to accurately do …more

By Zac Taylor|12/3/24

Time to honor departing public board members

It’s the beginning of a season of change for our elected boards around the county. Earlier this month I had the pleasure of listening to NWC trustee Larry Todd during his final meeting on …more

By Zac Taylor|11/26/24

NWC board right to table, for now, name change resolution

It was interesting that, after trustee John Housel made a motion to table his resolution to change the name of Northwest College to Yellowstone College, those at the Nov. 11 meeting heard some of the …more

By Zac Taylor|11/19/24

Amendment should not distract from more tax relief plans

Amendment A can only be one piece of a much bigger puzzle if we want to really solve the issue with property taxes across the state. The Constitutional Amendment, which passed with 54% of the …more

By Zac Taylor|11/12/24

Early voting numbers a record

Nice work, Park County voters. If the Election Day voting matches the huge surge in early and absentee voting, this could be a record year for voter turnout. Roughly 6,800 …more

By Zac Taylor|11/5/24

School district right to be proactive, but with care

Park County School District 1 administrators are being proactive, or at least quick to react, to parents’ concerns regarding some of the most controversial issues being raised across the nation …more

By Zac Taylor|10/31/24

New land use regulations needed

Revised regulations that build on the new Park County Land Use Plan can’t come soon enough. At last Tuesday’s Park County Commission meeting, as the commissioners discussed whether …more

By Zac Taylor|10/22/24

Would name change be cure-all for NWC?

The elephant in the room in the stir surrounding a proposed change in the name of Northwest College is declining enrollments of recent years. It’s true NWC enrollment has fallen off. In …more

By Dave Bonner|10/17/24

If you’re not sure, don’t vote too early

Voting is one of the most important tasks a citizen of this country can perform, and because of that I was heartened to see how many people had voted Oct. 8, the first day of early voting in Park …more

By Zac Taylor|10/15/24

Seniors with longterm Wyoming home ownership can apply for tax rollback

Can seniors really apply to basically cut their property taxes in half on Park County homes next year? It sounds too good to be true. But under a law passed by the last Legislature, it is …more

By Dave Bonner|10/10/24

Passionate opinions valued with NWC name proposal

The Northwest College Board of Trustees will be discussing the possibility of changing the name to Yellowstone College at the Oct. 14 meeting. One thing the trustees will be looking at as …more

By Zac Taylor|10/8/24

Coming attraction: NWC student center dressing to the nines

Inside the heavy wire construction fence, the sparkle is starting to show at the entryway to the nearly complete student center on the Northwest College campus. It is an inviting tease of coming …more

By Dave Bonner|10/3/24

Kudos to Parkside Elementary School

I have the Powell Middle School and Parkside Elementary School phone numbers saved on my phone. It’s a good way to give myself a split second to remember one of my children is sick at home …more

By Zac Taylor|10/1/24

Drive cautiously on highway during harvest season

Every morning I drive by the sugar beet pile dump location on U.S. Highway 14A west of Ralston, including the morning of Sept. 16 when a horrific crash claimed the life of Joel Torres, of Powell. …more

By Zac Taylor|9/24/24

Orange cones scream: Stay out!

The request came from out of the blue. “Let me see the bottom of your shoes.” It didn’t make any sense on the spur of the moment. But the question was from my son Toby, the …more

By Dave Bonner|9/19/24

Does the fair need a concert?

The Wyoming State Fair attracts more than five times the crowds of our own, well attended, Park County Fair. Obviously the nature of it being the state fair is a big part of the draw, but …more

By Zac Taylor|9/17/24

School shooting in Georgia shows impact of good guy with a gun

I have walked the halls of Apalachee High School many times, years before I watched video of students, arms raised, being escorted out of the building by law enforcement officers in tactical …more

By Zac Taylor|9/10/24

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Editorials - Powell Tribune (2025)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.